Hanover - The International Exchange Platform

Uploading Your SEVIS Certificate To Hanover

upload sevis certificate hanover

Team Hanover
Written by Team HanoverLast update 3 years ago

Before you start, you will need the following items

  • SEVIS ID for the person you need to upload the certificate for
  • SEVIS Certificate for the person you need to upload the certificate for

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To upload your certificate, take the following steps:

  1. Login to your Hanover admin account
  2. In the main menu, click admin, then admin users
  3. Click profile next to the person you need to upload the certificate for
  4. Inside the SEVIS panel, click the pencil icon to edit your information
  5. Enter the SEVIS ID and upload the certificate
  6. Click save

Important! For the SEVIS connection to work, you must have the same certificate uploaded to your SEVIS account and your Hanover account. You can follow this guide to upload your certificate to your SEVIS account.

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